Sunday, June 24, 2007

About His Grace

" Aryan by nature, Articulate living style, Aristocratic habits, Aesthetic
intelligentsia and an Asshole as a whole."
A rascal with my own set of opinions, views and arguments which might be considered positively distinctive or might just plainly be a total opposition to the common public view.

Maybe its because I am a True Blue Indian. The argumentative tradition which the Indians have been carrying from the Ramayan period to the King Akbar period all the way flowing down the river of evolution has probably been immersed into my nature.

The topics composed in this blog are not meant to impose but for me to share and express for your reading.
It’s about time I bring all that has been conserved in my mind out for the benefit of the blind and the pleasure of the bright.

This blog is a contemporary study of this F***ed up world.

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